Thursday, June 16

Yay, got my new specky!

Hip hip hooray! Harini saya dapat spek baru! Lihatlah wajah ceria saya ini! Hahaha..emm i got this glasses from for free.. Hehe. Nope it's not that i win something or what, but it's just that they are giving away like 10,000 glasses for free. Yes for FREE!!! Free frame, free lens, and you just have to pay for the shipping je. Ala it's very cheap tho, only like $15. Hmm but mine was $120+ coz i had to make it densed, sebab power terlalu tinggi, 700++.. hehe so kene bayar extra lah sikit. But really satisfied with the service, and bukan takat dapat spek, dia jugak kasik screwdriver kecik untuk adjust2 spek, which is so good sebab my glasses memang la x penah dok diam, mesti kepek sana kepek sini. So sape2 kat NZ nih, silalah like facebook clearly contacts and be ready for their next free giveaway glasses day, rasenye belom terlambat sebab deorang still runs the campaign up till today. Nak beli untuk diri seniri ke, mak bapak ke, adik beradik ke, suke ati. Ade je member wa beli sampai 4 untuk diri sendiri.. Haha. Dah benda free kan, sape tanak. Hehe.

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